October Edit
It’s been hard to beat the last couple of months. September and October have brought me an immense amount of joy. A big part of this was enabled by our overseas trip to the PNW which gave me space to reflect, and reconnect with myself - something I feel very fortunate to have been able to do, especially in that part of the world.
Nothing lets you breathe more or gain more perspective on life’s little or big problems, than nestling yourself amongst towering mossy trees, mountains, and vast rugged coastlines with a sea breeze that lifts you to your feet. I’ve never felt more in awe of nature, and more inspired by it in those moments, and will be dreaming of it forevermore.
So, back from the trip with a refreshed mind, a reignited sense of inspiration, and a shift in perspective, I’ve pulled together a few monthly covets and moodboard images for you to peruse (and shop) at your leisure, that have me dreaming of the colours and textures of the PNW and the magic it holds.
Rikke x
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